
Don’t overlook the significance of Anniversaries even in difficult times as they serve as a reminder of what connected you as a couple in the first place. Anniversaries are also a great tool for smoothening any frictions that had occurred and as mini renewals of vows to each other.

First Anniversary Of The Day We Met

Sunday 08 December, 2019 – Busan, South Korea

Our first milestone. Though this dining occasion was very much looked forward to, it was not without friction which occurred just before, almost causing us to miss it. Fortunately, due to our determination to not let it pass and see it as a significant part of our development, we managed to fulfill it almost at the closing time of the restaurant! We had a cosy but quite a solemn dinner at PF Chang, Centum City in Busan, South Korea even though the photos show the opposite! However, in the end, we were grateful to have overcome the friction and to have learnt from it.

Second Anniversary Of The Day We Met

Tuesday 08 December, 2020 – Singapore/Busan, South Korea

During this period, we, along with the rest of the world, faced unprecedented situation of border closures due to the pandemic. However, being determined about anniversaries playing a healthy role in a couple’s relationship, we celebrated despite distances across oceans. The day couldn’t start any better upon receiving David’s very beautiful flowers and balloon! We also had our own meals through videocams. Still, it was special because we made it to be, however the situation in the world may be. Our wish at this time, though, is that we can be reunited as soon as possible.

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